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Personal Loans: Perfect for Back-to-School Shopping

young daughter and her parents going back to school shopping

Parents are gearing up to tackle that annual hallowed ritual; back-to-school shopping. The cost of necessary school supplies can quickly add up and strain your budget but don’t panic! Bay Country Finance is here with a smart solution: personal loans. They can cover the cost of everything from tape to tablets.

Writing Essentials

High-quality writing tools are of the utmost importance for completing school assignments and taking notes. With a personal loan, you can give your child high-quality pens, pencils, erasers, and highlighters to facilitate their learning experience.

Organization Tools

One key to your child’s academic success is having supplies that are well-organized and easy to find. They’ll need binders, notebooks, folders, and planners to help them keep their schedules, assignments, projects, and class materials in order. If everything’s easy to keep tidy, your child can look forward to having a more productive school year.

Technological Tools 

In this digital age, technology is a vital component of education. Laptops, printers, tablets, cell phones, and secure internet connections are crucial for communication, researching online information, and completing assignments. A personal loan makes it possible for you to provide your child with the technological tools they need to empower their education. 

Stationery Supplies

Having the proper stationery can make a big difference in how well your child performs academically. Paper, printer ink, notecards, and more are purchases you’ll need to make. These simple tools will effectively help your child create flashcards, take notes, and study. These stationary supplies will set them up for success in school.

Back-to-School Clothing

Your kids will want to start the school year off with a few new outfits. Having the latest trendy clothing is important, especially for older kids, tweens, and teenagers. Kids want to wear what their friends are wearing because that helps them establish a sense of connection with classmates and announce their identity. This can be challenging because when you’re shopping, the hottest new styles often seem to be the most expensive items on the rack. 

Rest assured a personal loan can help you afford all the styles your child’s craving.

Backpack and Storage Solutions

Protecting and transporting all of these supplies is important for your child’s daily routine. 

A personal loan can be used to purchase a backpack and other reliable storage solutions. These will keep everything organized both at home and in the classroom, and it will allow 

them to focus on their education without worrying about damaged or lost assignments and supplies. 

End of Summer Vacation

In addition to helping with back-to-school shopping, we understand how important it is to create lasting memories. With a personal loan, you can squeeze in one last vacation before school starts. Imagine taking your family to Ocean City, MD where everybody can have fun building sand castles and swimming in the waves. Not only can you soak up the sun, but if you head to the ocean from Aug. 13 to Aug. 19, you can also take full advantage of Maryland’s tax-free shopping days and combine a relaxing family vacation with convenient back-to-school shopping. 

Avoid Breaking Your Budget

Bay Country Finance is dedicated to supporting parents like you. With a personal loan, you can give your child all the back-to-school supplies they’ll need without harming your finances. Contact us to discuss how you can apply for a back-to-school personal loan.